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View all booked reservations, past and future, along with the gross and net rent amounts (excludes the utility fee).

Owner X Reservations IPhone Mockup
Owner X Availability IPhone Mockup


View the days available in a real-time live calendar, which shows the days that are booked and available.

Work Orders

Track the status of work orders (pending, active and closed) along with the details and cost. Costs are only shown when the work order is closed.

Owner X Work Orders IPhone Mockup
Owner X Reports IPhone Mockup


Run reports such as monthly statements, profit & loss statements, etc., for months that have been processed. Monthly accounting is processed and closed by the 15th of the following month.

Guest Reviews

View guest reviews and star ratings. This helps the owner and the management company to hear directly from the guests who spend the most time in the property.

Owner X Reviews IPhone Mockup
Owner X More Info IPhone Mockup

More Info

The More Info section shows other information, such as the owner’s door code, wifi information, etc.

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